Public Lectures

NIAS and the Lorentz Center hold that informing the general public is an important task of the scientific community. Although not part of our core activities, we aim to facilitate communication of the general public with fellows and participants of workshops.

Collaboration Rijksmuseum Boerhaave
The Lorentz Center and Rijksmuseum Boerhaave in Leiden collaborate since 2013 in organizing public lectures around workshops, which are often part of the NIAS-Lorentz Program. The lectures are usually being held at the museum by workshop participants.

Upcoming and Previous Public Lectures


8 February
The Big Myth: “How American Business Taught Us to Loathe Government and Love the Free Market”

4 July
Do People Get Radicalized on the Internet? Demystifying Online Radicalization’

31 July
The Album of the World Emperor and European Prints at the Ottoman Court (Rijksmuseum van Oudheden)


31 August
The neuroscience of the DMT experience

25 June
Do Smart Devices Make Us Less Smart?

23 February
Jewish Magic from Antiquity to the Twenty-First Century

19 January
The Future of faith and responsible technology & AI

18 January 
DNLF Talk: Kunstmatige intelligentie: medicijn voor de zorg? @Spui25 Amsterdam


17 November
Vrouwen van Venus, mannen van Mars?

30 August
Conserving Art and Nature : how to deal with change

12 April
Air quality from space: indicator of human activity

10 January
DNLF Talk: (Ir)rationaliteit heerst: over menselijk gedrag in pandemische tijden


5 October
Animal testing – the Dutch transition


26 November 
DLF Talk: Beyond the Crisis in Psychology 

28 January
Plastic Pollution


17 October

18 July
Movie night Dr. Strangelove

Public Talks by the Distinguished NIAS-Lorentz Fellows